Swinburne Neuroimaging (SNI) MEG & MRI Project Application

Swinburne Neuroimaging (SNI) strongly recommends that you meet with the relevant SNI team members to discuss your project before  completing this application form.

We support research stages from project conception, design, and logistical planning, to optimal data acquisition, analysis and computing. SNI can also offer advice on research ethics and data management. Seeking our advice early in the process will streamline your access to our facilities. 

To organise a meeting to discuss your project with SNI please contact us at  neuroimaging@swin.edu.au .


Once you have these documents ready, please proceed to the next page.

Applicant Details

Chief Investigator

Chief Investigator Details

Associate Investigators

Please list the name, position and affiliation of any additional Associate Investigators, and indicate whether they will require access to the scanner/s.

Project Details

Funding Details

Please provide your project account details

Please provide your organisation's details for invoicing purposes

SNI Facilities

Scheduling Details

NIF/NCRIS Acknowledgement

All projects utilising Swinburne Neuroimaging (SNI) facilities must acknowledge our funders (the National Imaging Facility/ National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy) in all publications/presentations arising from use of the SNI Facility. For further information, please contact  neuroimaging@swin.edu.au.


How did you hear about SNI?

Checklist of Attachments

Study protocol

Your study protocol must specify: 

  1. number and type of participants (e.g., controls and/or details of clinical groups)

  2. experimental design, and task paradigm to be examined

  3. MRI sequences to be used

  4. any ancillary equipment to be used  

If you do not yet have a study protocol please provide as much information as possible.

Study Participant Information and Consent Form/s

Your  Participant Information and Consent Form/s must refer to the SNI MRI and/or MEG Pre-Scan Information and Safety Questionnaire and Consent form/s.  Please upload a  maximum of 4 files


Evidence of Ethics Approvals

Please upload your original ethics application and ethics approval letters (with approval dates and reference number). 



Ethics Amendments

Please upload any ethics amendments and a letter of approval of any ethics amendments.



Please note: If the ethics application of your host institute lists a Swinburne University researcher, you will have to apply for expedited ethics review with Swinburne’s Human Research Ethics Committee (SUHREC). This process is explained here:  https://www.swinburne.edu.au/research/ethics/human-research/how-to-apply-for-ethical-review/